Agatán Sacs agus Colasas Ródas
Agatán Sacs agus Colasas Ródas
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Cha b' urrainn dhuinn ruigsinneachd togail a luchdachadh
Set in the sunny Greek island of Rhodes, where our newspaper editor detective hero is on the hunt for the crookedest of crooks who goesb y the name of Colasas Ródas… and time’s running out for Agatán Sacs to bring this hoodlum to justice!
ISBN 978-1-913573-33-1 Published with support from the Arts Council
By Nils-Olof Franzén Illustrations by Quentin Blake Translated by Gabriel Rosenstock
Published in 2021 132 pages, paperback, 216mm x 138mm