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Agatán Sacs agus Robálaithe Bhanc Shasana

Agatán Sacs agus Robálaithe Bhanc Shasana

Prìs cunbhalach £6.99 GBP
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Agatán Sacs takes on a gang of incredible thieves, experts in disappearing tricks, who’ve managed to rob the Bank of England. His only clue might just be a single strand of hair, but he has at hand his formidable Aint Máire Treasa — and no one can elude her tenacity when she’s on the warpath!


ISBN 978-1-913573-16-4     Published with support from the Arts Council and Literature Ireland
By Nils-Olof Franzén    Illustrations by Quentin Blake    Translated by Gabriel Rosenstock
Published in 2020    120 pages, paperback, 216mm x 138mm
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