An Triúr Triallach agus Foghlaithe Mhuir Chairib
An Triúr Triallach agus Foghlaithe Mhuir Chairib
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Cha b' urrainn dhuinn ruigsinneachd togail a luchdachadh
The powers of Montezuma’s Golden Vessel takes Caoilte, Cian and Carman — an Triúr Triallach — back to the world of Caribbean pirates, where the evil Feardorcha Féasógach does his best to get rid of the pirate queen Áine Chormaic. With dangers lurking everywhere, the Triúr Triallach are on a race to discover El Dorado… and the way back home!
ISBN 978-1-913573-36-2 By Richard Everett, Thomas Platt, and Julius Grützke
Illustrated by Massimiliano “Max” Narciso . Translated by Seaghan Mac an tSionnaigh
Published in 2022 64 pages, paperback, 215mm x 295mm