Art Abú! Scoil na nArrachtaí
Art Abú! Scoil na nArrachtaí
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Cha b' urrainn dhuinn ruigsinneachd togail a luchdachadh
Art Beag is an old head on young shoulders. He likes his life as it is – fun at school with his pals, and calm at home in the woods. But the fun all ends when some fiend starts putting a spell on Art’s friends and he’s left with no choice but to fight back! The first step: find out if it is the villain is the school’s headmistress, or could the school’s three new pupils have a secret mission? Let’s follow Art deep into the woods where all will be revealed...
ISBN 978-1-913573-36-2 By David De Thuin
Translated by Caitlín Nic Íomhair