Asterix agus an Pota Pinginí
Asterix agus an Pota Pinginí
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Cha b' urrainn dhuinn ruigsinneachd togail a luchdachadh
Graostaix, the sneaky leader of a neighbouring tribe, comes to Asterix’s village to hide a cauldron full of money from the Roman tax collector. Asterix is tasked with guarding the treasure, but, under the cover of darkness, the pot of cash goes missing — which is of great concern to chief Taoisix whose honour has been tarnished. Asterix has to repay the lost money — but without a head for business, our hero only has his nose to sniff out the greedy culprit.
ISBN 978-1-913573-51-5 Published with support from the Arts Council
By René Goscinny & Albert Uderzo Irish adaptation by Gabriel Rosenstock Published 2023
48 pages, paperback, 218mm x 287mm © Hachette Livre asterix.com