Asterix and the Gowden Heuk
Asterix and the Gowden Heuk
Cha b' urrainn dhuinn ruigsinneachd togail a luchdachadh
When warlock Kensawthetrix breks his gowden heuk, Asterix and Obelix set aff for the city tae buy him a new yin. But Gowdnuggix, makar o the best gowden heuks in aw o Gaul, is missin. Traivel wi oor twa gallus heroes as they banjo bandits, blooter bampots and hae rammies wi hunners o Romans in their quest tae finn Gowdnuggix and bring Kensawthetrix a braw new gowden heuk.
ISBN 978-1-906587-54-3 By René Goscinny and Albert Uderzo Translatit by Matthew Fitt
Publisht in 2014 48 pages, paperback, 218mm x 287mm
First publisht wi support fae Creative Scotland © Hachette Livre
When the druid Kensawthetrix’s golden sickle snaps in two, he can’t brew the magic potion that keeps the village is safe. Asterix and Obelix pack their bags and head to Lutetia to buy a new sickle from Gowdnuggix, the best sicklesmith in Gaul – but Gowdnuggix has vanished. As the gallant Gauls go search for him they come across a gang of sickle smugglers – a gang with a very influential friend.
ISBN 978-1-906587-54-3 By René Goscinny and Albert Uderzo Translated by Matthew Fitt
Published in 2014 48 pages, paperback, 218mm x 287mm
First published with support from Creative Scotland © Hachette Livr