Asterix i gCoill na Cinsealachta
Asterix i gCoill na Cinsealachta
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Cha b' urrainn dhuinn ruigsinneachd togail a luchdachadh
The Gaulish villager stands between Rome and ancient-world domination. Caesar wants rid of these troublesome Gauls and plans to plant their corner of the Empire with Roman settlers. But Asterix and his friends stubbornly stand their ground — until money begins to speak louder than words. Before long, disharmony is rife… is it too late for the Gauls realise their whole existence is threatened by the Roman plantation?
ISBN 978-1-906587-92-5 Published with support from the Arts Council
By Goscinny and Uderzo Irish adaptation by Gabriel Rosenstock Published 2019
48 pages, paperback, 218mm x 287mm © Hachette asterix.com