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Asterix the Bonnie Fechter

Asterix the Bonnie Fechter

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When Magonaglix the makar is taen tae Rome as a giftie for Julius Caesar, Asterix and Obelix set oot tae rescue him. In Rome, oor bonnie fechters get a new joab — as glediators in the Circus Maximus. Can they save Magonaglix fae the lions? Will they save the lions fae Magonaglix’s mingin singin? Finn oot in this braw adventure in Scots. For those aboot tae skelp, we salute yis!

ISBN 978-1-906587-62-8    By René Goscinny and Albert Uderzo    Translatit by Matthew Fitt
Publisht in 2015     48 pages, paperback, 218mm x 287mm
Publisht wi support fae Creative Scotland     © Hachette Livre    asterix.com

When Magonaglix the the bard is taken to Rome as a gift for Julius Caesar, Asterix and Obelix set out to rescue him. In Rome, our gallant warriors get a new job — as gladiators in the Circus Maximus. Can they save Magonaglix from the lions? Will they save the lions from Magonaglix’s awful singing? Find out in this wonderful adventure in Scots. For those about to get thumped, we salute you!

ISBN 978-1-906587-62-8    By René Goscinny and Albert Uderzo    Translated by Matthew Fitt
Published in 2015     48 pages, paperback, 218mm x 287mm
Published with support from Creative Scotland     © Hachette Livre    asterix.com
Faic làn fhiosrachadh