Asterix yn y Gemau Olympaidd
Asterix yn y Gemau Olympaidd
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Cha b' urrainn dhuinn ruigsinneachd togail a luchdachadh
Asterix and his Gaulish friends head for Greece in search of Olympic glory. With the magic potion at hand to give them a boost, they’re sure of winning a few Olympic palm leaves. But once the officials at the games hear of this Gaulish secret weapon, they soon put a stop to their ambitions — performance enhancing substances are banned at the Olympics. The Gauls have to be careful their opponents don’t get the upper hand, and druid Gwyddoniadix has just the recipe to make sure the Romans don’t get away with cheating!
ISBN 978-1-906587-27-7 By Goscinny and Uderzo Adaptation by Alun Ceri Jones
Published 2012 48 pages, paperback, 218mm x 287mm
Published with financial assistance from the Books Council of Wales © Hachette Livre asterix.com