Auld King Ottokar’s Sceptre
Auld King Ottokar’s Sceptre
Cha b' urrainn dhuinn ruigsinneachd togail a luchdachadh
Tintin traivels tae the sma Balkan kingdom o Syldavia whaur he uncovers a conspeeracy agin the young king, Muskar XII. The plotters are mindit tae steal the auncient Sceptre o Auld King Ottokar, symbol o the new king’s richt tae rule. Gin the plot succeeds, the king will tyne his croun an his country micht be owerrun. Wi traitors on ilka side, can Tintin help the king afore it’s ower late?
ISBN 978-1-906587-14-7 By Hergé Translatit by Susan Rennie
Publisht in 2019 64 pages, paperback, 215mm x 295mm
© Hergé Moulinsart
Tintin travels to the small kingdom of Syldavia where he is witness to a conspiracy against the young king, Muskar XII. The plotters plan to steal the ancient Sceptre of King Ottokar, symbol of the new king’s right to rule. Should the plot succeed, the king will lose his crown and his country will face invasion. With traitors at every turn, can Tintin help the king before it’s too late?
ISBN 978-1-906587-14-7 By Hergé Translated by Susan Rennie
Published 2019 64 pages, paperback, 215mm x 295mm
© Hergé Moulinsart