Dirgelwch yr Ogam
Dirgelwch yr Ogam
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Cha b' urrainn dhuinn ruigsinneachd togail a luchdachadh
The first volume of a gothic thriller series set in the Age of the Saints, where many of the Celts of Britain have colonised Armorica in Gaul, bringing with them the spiritual leaders of their Celtic Church – the monks. The new faith heralds the demise of the Druids’ old pagan way of life, but the ancient traditions still hold on. Gwynlan, the last of the Druids, and his apprentice Taran are caught in a mysterious battle for survival against the monks of the church, monastic foes who place dangerous and menacing obstacles in their path. Accusations of murder, sacrifice and sorcery are rife, but the old gods are at hand to assist the righteous.
ISBN 978-0-9551366-3-4 By Istin, Jigourel and Lamontagne Adapted by Alun Ceri Jones
Published 2006 48 pages, hardback 230mm x 320mm
Published with financial support from the Books Council of Wales