Rún an Éilicsir
Rún an Éilicsir
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Cha b' urrainn dhuinn ruigsinneachd togail a luchdachadh
Druid Ogamaix decides it’s time to safeguard the future of the Gaulish village, and heads off to find a worthy successor to inherit the secret of the magic potion. But unknown to him, an evil rival since Druid Seminary days is planning to get hold of the recipe for the potion — and if that plan succeeds, the Village’s days are numbered!
Listen to the story — QR code inside!
ISBN 978-1-913573-53-9 Arna fhoilsiú le cabhair ón COGG
Le Olivier Gay agus Fabrice Tarrin Leagan Gaeilge le Eoin P. Ó Murchú Le foilsú 2023
48 leathanach, clúdach bog, 218mm x 287mm © Éditions Albert René asterix.com