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Saraifín ina Choinne Féin

Saraifín ina Choinne Féin

Prìs cunbhalach £8.99 GBP
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The second title in the series, Saraifín ina Choinne Féin, is a witty satire on the world of advertising, where his amazing inventions become the ideal advertising medium for a big company.

Saraifín’s identity has been stolen — the Só Súilíneach drinks corporation are using his image — which means there are hundreds of Saraifíns cropping up everywhere! Lucky for him, his inventive mind is keen enough to take back control.

ISBN : 978-1-913573-74-4
FORMAT paperback; 220mm x 295mm; 32pp, full colour
AUTHORS Philippe Fix, Alain Grée  TRANSLATOR Seaghán Ó Modhráin
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