Rach gu fiosrachadh toraidh
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Seacht Mallacht na Meallta Criostail

Seacht Mallacht na Meallta Criostail

Prìs cunbhalach £8.99 GBP
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A terrifying coma strikes the seven scientists recently returned from an expedition to the Andes in search of the tomb of Inca king Rascar Capac. Can this be the curse of the Inca gods? The only clue is the shattered crystal ball lying beside each of the victims. But the mystery deepens when Professor Prionsias Piocardach goes missing – and only Tintin and Captaen Haileabó can track him down.

ISBN 978-1-913573-42-3     Published with support from the Arts Council
By Hergé    Translated by Gabriel Rosenstock    Published in 2022
64 pages, paperback, 215mm x 295mm     © Hergé Moulinsart
Faic làn fhiosrachadh