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Tintin i the Snaws o Tibet

Tintin i the Snaws o Tibet

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Tintin is hert-sair, thinkin his guid freen Chang has been killed in a plane stramash i the Himalayas. Syne he has a byordinar dream that maks him misdoot that Chang is deid. Thegither wi Captain Haddie an Tarrie, he sets oot on a perilous ploy, traipsin ower the snaw-tooried Himalayas towart Tibet. Upby, the Buddhist monks o an ootland monastery see a veesion — that Chang is aleeve efter aw, ben a cave, upheich i the moontains. But Chang isna on his lee lane. Wi him is a gey rare craitur kent in legends as the ‘Ugsome Snawman’!

ISBN 978-1-906587-86-4   By Hergé     Translatit by Susan Rennie
Publisht in 2017     64 pages, paperback, 215mm x 295mm
© Hergé Moulinsart

Distraught, Tintin believes his friend Chang has been killed in a plane crash in the Himalayas, until he has a strange dream which suggests otherwise. Convinced of Chang’s survival Tintin, Captain Haddie and Tarrie set on an impossible mission, trekking over the snow-capped Himalayan peaks to Tibet. There, the monks of a remote Buddhist monastery have a vision — that Chang is indeed alive, inside a cave, high in the mountains. But Chang isn’t there alone. For company he has and illusive and fabled companion, considered by many to be abominable!

ISBN 978-1-906587-86-4    By Hergé    Translated by Susan Rennie
Published 2017     64 pages, paperback, 215mm x 295mm
© Hergé Moulinsart
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