Mae stori stribed dda yn gofyn am dair elfen gyfartal:
- Stori dda;
- Sgwennu da;
- Darlunio da.
Mae pob un o gyhoeddiadau Dalen yn cyrraedd y safonau hyn, trwy gyfrwng darllen atyniadol dros ben ar gyfer disgyblion Cymraeg iaith gyntaf, Cymraeg ail-iaith, disgyblion ieithoedd modern, a chelf a dylunio.
Gall Dalen gynnig adnoddau addysg eang i ysgolion uwchradd a
chynradd er mwyn cydfynd â modiwlau o fewn y Cwricwlwm ac er mwyn hybu darllen Cymraeg ymhlith disgyblion. Gallwn drefnu bod aelod allweddol o’n staff yn dod i’ch ysgol er mwyn cyflwyno sesiwn sydd wedi ei theilwra’n benodol at anghenion y grwp, gan gynnwys:- sgrifennu creadigol, mewn Cymraeg safonol a thafodieithol;
- cwrdd ag awdur/cyfieithydd/golygydd;
- cyfieithu o’r Ffrangeg ac Almaeneg;
- cymhariaethau iaith, defnyddio’n llyfrau i hwyluso deall iaith darged;
- dylunio a darlunio;
- cyfrifiadureg mewn gwaith;
- cynhyrchu a chyhoeddi;
- deunyddiau stafell ddosbarth a gweithgareddau pellach.
Byddem yn falch iawn o drafod pa fath o sesiwn y gallem fod
yn ei chynnal i chi, ac i drafod ein gwaith addysg blaenorol. Cysylltwch â ni ar 01239 811442, neu trwy ebost at dalen@dalenllyfrau.com. -
About us
Every good cartoon strip needs three equal constituents:
- a good story;
- good writing;
- good illustration.
All of Dalen’s books exceed these benchmarks in an attractive reading medium for pupils whose first language is Welsh, who are
learning Welsh as a second language, for students of modern languages, as well as art and design.Dalen can offer extensive education materials, linked to modules within the Curriculum, for both primary and secondary schools, which can also promote reading in Welsh amongst pupils. We can arrange for a key member of our staff to come to your school to present a session specially tailored to meet your group’s requirements, including:
- creative writing, in standard and colloquial Welsh;
- meet the author/translator/editor;
- translating from French and German;
- language comparison and using our books to facilitate
understanding of a target language design; - computers in the workplace;
- production and publishing;
- classroom materials and additional activities.
Please get in touch with us to discuss the kind of session
we could present to you, and to discuss our previous education work. Contact us on 01239 811442, or by emailing dalen@dalenllyfrau.com.