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The Ferlie Starn

The Ferlie Starn

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Ae nicht, whan oot for a dander, Tintin sees a ferlie starn that keeps growin brichter. It is a bleezin firebaw wheechin towart the Earth! Altho the asteroid gaes by withoot a stramash, a muckle bit meteorite plunks doon in the Arctic Ocean. Syne Tintin an his freens, alang wi starn-keeker, Professor Boethius Bannock, set oot on a scientific expedition tae find it an recover the ootland metal it conteens. The unco rock fae ooter space has byordinar properties that gie Tintin a fair few flegs. But there’s waur tae come for the gallus reporter lad whan he learns that ill-deedie fowk are heidin towart the meteorite forby.

ISBN 978-1-913573-28-7    By Hergé     Translatit by Susan Rennie
Publisht in 2021     64 pages, paperback, 215mm x 295mm
© Hergé Moulinsart

One evening, Tintin notices a growing light amongst the stars – a meteorite heading towards Earth. A fragment of this space rock lands close to the North Pole. Tintin and Captain Haddock set forth on a voyage of scientific research to find this mineral–rich shooting star, which possesses some strange extraterrestrial properties that take Tintin by surprise. But an even bigger problem faces Tintin when unscrupulous forces head in the same direction!

ISBN 978-1-913573-28-7     By Hergé    Translated by Susan Rennie
Published 2021     64 pages, paperback, 215mm x 295mm
© Hergé Moulinsart
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